.RMI - File Extension for RIFF-MIDI Files


File extension RMI is used for MIDI music messages wrapped inside Microsoft RIFF format. A RMI sample file is provided. Free RMI players and editors are listed.

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File Extension: .RMI

File Content: Music data.

What is RMI? RMI is a short name for RMID or RIFF MIDI, which is a music file format created by Microsoft by wrapping MIDI music messages inside RIFF format.

RMI is the file extension of RIFF MIDI files.

Technical notes on RIFF MIDI file format:

  • A RIFF MIDI file has a RIFF data wrapper format.
  • The contents of a RIFF MIDI file are MIDI music messages.

Here are the first 128 bytes of a sample RIFF MIDI file dumped in HEX values:

52 49 46 46 c0 73 00 00 52 4d 49 44 64 61 74 61 RIFF.s..RMIDdata
c0 6a 00 00 4d 54 68 64 00 00 00 06 00 01 00 11 .j..MThd........
00 f0 4d 54 72 6b 00 00 00 2a 00 ff 7f 03 00 00 ..MTrk..........
41 00 ff 58 04 04 02 18 08 00 ff 51 03 05 00 bd A..X.......Q....
00 ff 01 0c 46 6f 6f 74 62 61 6c 6c 20 3a 35 39 ....Football..59
00 ff 2f 00 4d 54 72 6b 00 00 08 e0 00 ff 01 07 ....MTrk........
53 79 6e 74 68 20 31 00 c0 3e 00 b0 07 63 00 b0 Synth.1......c..
01 00 00 b0 0a 32 00 b0 40 00 00 b0 5b 3c 00 b0 .....2..........

"RIFF" is the magic number of RIFF files. Other keyworks, "RMIData" and "MThd", in the header identify RIFF MIDI files.

RIFF MIDI sample file: Click sample.rmi to download.

Music data stored in RIFF MIDI (.RMI) files can be retrieved and played by popular free software:

2012-07-01, 8738👍, 0💬