.PRN - File Extension for Printable Files


What is PRN? PRN, short name for Printable, is used as the file extension for files padded with space characters and ready to be sent to printers. .PRN files are text files that can be opened by Windows Notepad or any text editor. See the sample .PRN file included below.

✍: FYIcenter.com


File Extension: .PRN

MIME Type: text/plain

File Content: Document

.PRN files are text files saved in printable format. Here is a sample .PRN file containing some lines of formatted text:

Welcome to File Extension FYI Center!

ID      Type      Description
1       ASP       Active Server Pages
2       JSP       JavaServer Pages
3       PNG       Portable Network Graphics
4       GIF       Graphics Interchange Format
5       WMV       Windows Media Video

.PRN Printable file sample: Click sample.prn to download.

.PRN Printable files can be created and modified by these software:

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