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.EXE - File Extension for Windows Executable Code
File extension EXE is used for executable files ready to be executed on computer systems. An EXE sample file is provided. File Extension : .EXE File Content : Executable code. What is EXE? EXE is a short name for executable code, which is generated by an object code linker. EXE is the file extension...
2024-05-02, 20904👍, 3💬

💬 2022-06-04 Nick: I love you very much

.PS1 - File Extension for PowerShell Scripts
What is PS1? PS1, short name for PowerShell, is used as the file extension for PowerShell Scripts files. .PS1 files are text files that are used to store scripting codes written in Windows PowerShell language. See the sample .PS1 file included below. File Extension : .PS1 MIME Type : text/plain File...
2021-08-31, 17246👍, 1💬

.CLASS - File Extension for Java Bytecode Files
File extension CLASS is used for Java compiled class files. A CLASS sample file is provided. Free JVM applications to run CLASS files are listed. File Extension : .CLASS File Content : Java compiled bytecode. What is CLASS? CLASS is an object-oriented programming team. A class is a basic unit of pro...
2021-07-12, 21277👍, 3💬

💬 2021-07-12 vasundhara: Great! This is a great post - so clear and easy to follow. Very informative and helpful article. nice to read this. keep up the ...

💬 2020-01-21 samso: Thanks for this wonderful blog that you have designed in this page. Very informative and effective article. Ver inspired article...

.CS - File Extension for C# - C Sharp Files
What is CS? CS, short name for C Sharp, is used as the file extension for C# (C Sharp) files. .CS files are text files that are used to store C# program source code. See the sample .CS file included below. File Extension : .CS MIME Type : text/plain File Content : C Sharp .CS files are C Sharp files...
2021-05-12, 29846👍, 1💬

💬 2021-05-12 hla: ,n b jhcvjg,,j m

.INC - File Extension for Include Files
What is INC? INC, short name for Include, is used as the file extension for programming source files to be included in other source files. .INC files are text files that can be opened by Notepad or any text editors. See the sample .INC file included below. File Extension : .INC MIME Type : text/plai...
2020-09-09, 14546👍, 1💬

💬 2020-09-09 3232: dsfsd

.PY - File Extension for Python Script Files
What is PY? PY, short name for Python, is used as the file extension for Python Script files. .PY files are text files that can be opened by Notepad or any text editors. See the sample .PY file included below. File Extension : .PY MIME Type : application/x-pytho File Content : Python Script .PY file...
2013-01-15, 7381👍, 0💬

.PDB - File Extension for Program Database Files
What is PDB? PDB, short name for Program Database, is used as the file extension for Program Database files. .PDB files are binary files that hold debugging and project state information that allows incremental linking of debug configurationd of your programd. See the sample .PDB file included below...
2012-10-09, 5630👍, 0💬

.IDL - File Extension for Interface Definition Language
What is IDL? IDL, short name for Interface Definition Language, is used as the file extension for Interface Definition Language files. .IDL files are text files that are used to describe software components interfaces. See the sample .IDL file included below. File Extension : .IDL MIME Type : text/p...
2012-10-08, 5866👍, 0💬

.TARGETS - File Extension for MSBuild Targets Files
What is TARGETS? TARGETS is used as the file extension for MSBuild Targets files. .TARGETS files are XML files that are used to define build processes for the MSBuild tool on Windows. See the sample .TARGETS file included below. File Extension : .TARGETS MIME Type : text/xml File Content : MSBuild T...
2012-09-26, 5246👍, 0💬

.RSP - File Extension for MSBuild Response Files
What is RSP? RSP, short name for Response, is used as the file extension for MSBuild Response files. .RSP files are text files that are used to store input data as responses to the MSBuild.exe program for .NET application development. See the sample .RSP file included below. File Extension : .RSP MI...
2012-09-14, 8411👍, 0💬

.POM - File Extension for Project Object Model Files
What is POM? POM, short name for Project Object Model, is used as the file extension for Project Object Model files used by Apache Maven projects. .POM files are XML files that can be opened by any XML editors. See the sample .POM file included below. File Extension : .POM MIME Type : text/xml File ...
2012-07-10, 7075👍, 0💬

.LIB - File Extension for Static Library Files
What is LIB? LIB, short name for Library, is used as the file extension for Static Library files. .LIB files are binary files that can be opened by Static Library or Static Library software. See the sample .LIB file included below. File Extension : .LIB MIME Type : application/octet-stream File Cont...
2012-07-10, 4439👍, 0💬

.EXP - File Extension for Symbols Export Files
What is EXP? EXP, short name for Export, is used as the file extension for Symbols Export files. .EXP files are binary files that can be opened by Microsoft Visual Studio software. See the sample .EXP file included below. File Extension : .EXP MIME Type : application/octet-stream File Content : Symb...
2012-07-10, 6567👍, 0💬

.POD - File Extension for Plain Old Documentation Files
What is POD? POD, short name for Plain Old Documentation, is used as the file extension for Perl documentation files in Plain Old Documentation format. .POD files are text files that can be opened by Notepad or any text editors. See the sample .POD file included below. File Extension : .POD MIME Typ...
2012-07-10, 4528👍, 0💬

.PM - File Extension for Perl Module Files
What is PM? PM, short name for Perl Module, is used as the file extension for Perl Module source code files. .PM files are text files that can be opened by Notepad or any text editors. See the sample .PM file included below. File Extension : .PM MIME Type : text/plain File Content : Perl Module .PM ...
2012-07-10, 6595👍, 0💬

.VBS - File Extension for Visual Basic Script Files
What is VBS? VBS, short name for Visual Basic Script, is used as the file extension for Visual Basic Script code files. .VBS files are text files that can be opened by Notepad or any text editors. See the sample .VBS file included below. File Extension : .VBS MIME Type : text/plain File Content : Vi...
2012-07-10, 8359👍, 0💬

.VB - File Extension for Visual Basic Source Files
What is VB? VB, short name for Visual Basic, is used as the file extension for Visual Basic Source files. .VB files are text files that can be opened by Notepad or any text editors. See the sample .VB file included below. File Extension : .VB MIME Type : text/plain File Content : Visual Basic Source...
2012-07-08, 6462👍, 0💬

.PHP - File Extension for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor Files
What is PHP? PHP, short name for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, is used as the file extension for PHP script code files. .PHP files are text files that can be opened by any text editors. See the sample .PHP file included below. File Extension : .PHP MIME Type : text/plain File Content : PHP: Hypertext...
2012-07-08, 10867👍, 0💬

.C - File Extension for C Source Files
File extension C is used for C source code files. A C sample file is provided. Free C compilers are listed. File Extension : .C File Content : C source code. What is C? C is a general-purpose, block structured, procedural, imperative computer programming language developed in 1972 by Dennis Ritchie ...
2012-07-08, 5901👍, 0💬

.PL - File Extension for Perl Script Files
What is PL? PL, short name for Perl, is used as the file extension for Perl programming script files. .PL files are text files that can be opened by Notepad or any text editors. See the sample .PL file included below. File Extension : .PL MIME Type : application/x-perl, text/x-perl File Content : Pe...
2012-07-02, 7769👍, 0💬

.JS - File Extension for JavaScript Files
File extension JS is used for JavaScript files that provide scripting statements to be executed in client side Web browsers. A JS sample file is provided. File Extension : .JS MIME Type : text/javascript File Content : Presentation style sheet What is JS? JS is a short name for JavaScript, a scripti...
2012-07-02, 6250👍, 0💬

.JAR - File Extension for Java Archive Files
File extension JAR is used for Java archive files. A JAR sample file is provided. Free software for creating and opening JAR files are listed. File Extension : .JAR MIME Type : application/java-archive File Content : Compressed files What is JAR? JAR is a short name for Java ARchive, a file format u...
2012-07-02, 6800👍, 0💬

.JAVA - File Extension for Java Source Files
File extension JAVA is used for Java source code files. A JAVA sample file is provided. Free Java source code compilers are listed. File Extension : .JAVA File Content : Java source code. What is Java? Java is a programming language developed by Sun Microsystems in 1995. JAVA is the file extension f...
2012-07-02, 7679👍, 0💬

.OBJ - File Extension for Object Code Files
File extension OBJ is used for object files generated by compilers from source code files. An OBJ sample file is provided. File Extension : .OBJ File Content : Object code. What is OBJ? OBJ is a short name for object code, which is generated by a compiler from a source code file. Object files are al...
2012-07-01, 6642👍, 0💬

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