Viewing Properties of .MP3 Files


How to view properties of a .mp3 file on Windows? I want to see the artist name of the song.



If you want to see properties of a .mp3 file on Windows, you can follow these steps:

1. Open Windows Explorer and locate the .mp3 file.

2. Right-mouse click on the .mp3 file and select "Properties". You see the file properties dialog box.

3. Click the "Details" tab.

4. Read details of properties associated with the .mp3 file, including: title, subtitle, rating, tags, comments, contributing artist, album artist, album, year, #, genre, length, bit rate.

5. It also shows other properties like: producers, publisher, content provider, media created, encoded by, author url, promotion url, copyright, parental rating composers, conductors, group description, period, mood, part of set, initial key, beats-per-minute,..

2016-03-01, 5471👍, 0💬