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.IPF - File Extension for Media Profile Files
What is IPF? IPF is used as the file extension for Media Profile files. .IPF files are XML files that are used to store media profiles. See the sample .IPF file included below.
File Extension: .IPF
MIME Type: text/xml
File Content: Media Profile
.IPF files are Media Profile files, that are used to store media profiles. Here is a sample .IPF Media Profile file, AVI.ipf:
<profile version="65537" storageformat="3" targetbitrate="4691592" name="AVI" alias="AVI" description="AVI Format 320x240" guid="{60C1808F-BDC6-47FD-861D-882D1F907D55}"> <streamconfig majortype="{73646976-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}" streamnumber="1" streamname="Video Stream" bitrate="0"> <mediatype subtype="{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}" bFixedSizeSamples="0" bTemporalCompression="0" lSampleSize="0"> <videoinfoheader dwBitRate="4000000" dwBitErrorRate="0" AvgTimePerFrame="333667"> <rcSource left="0" top="0" right="320" bottom="240"/> <rcTarget left="0" top="0" right="320" bottom="240"/> <bitmapinfoheader biWidth="320" biHeight="240" biPlanes="1" biBitCount="24" biCompression="0" biSizeImage="0" biXPelsPerMeter="320" biYPelsPerMeter="240" biClrUsed="0" biClrImportant="0"/> </videoinfoheader> </mediatype> </streamconfig> ... </profile>
.IPF Media Profile file sample: Click sample.ipf to download.
Since .IPF files are in text format, you can use Notepad or any text editor to create or modify them. No special software is needed.
2012-10-02, 6935👍, 0💬
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